Thursday, December 19, 2013

Project 2: color

For project 2 color I made a christmas tree farm using acrylic paints. This is the first painting I did and learn a lot with the acrylic paints that helped with later projects. I love how real the trees look, but if I were to change one thing it would be to make the stars and ornaments look more real. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Project 6: abstract

For project 6 abstract I made a picture of Kalabria. It originally was meant be modeled after a pinterest picture, but it turned into what looks like a behind picture of Kalabria. I painted using acrylic paints and I like the back round and how it bring contrast to the the person. If I could change anything I would try to make the stripes on the shirt look better. This is one of my favorite paintings so far.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Project 4: perspective

For project 4 perspective I painted a road leading into a city off in the distance. When looking at pinterest I found a picture close to my painting and thought it was a cool idea. I really like the idea of my painting and if I were to change anything I would try to make the lines straighter, but it was hard with the paint.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Project 5: clay

For the clay project I made slab box which I painted with acrylic paints. I was inspired to paint this design by Anthropolie prints and mozaics I found on pinterest. If I could do over this project I would try to make my slabs more perfect the so the box is smoother. This was one of my favorite projects so far.